The Department of Sea and Bottle Post, the Post Office Department of the Kingdom of North Barchant with the contributions from the International Maritime Club "Moreplavatel" have released a unique philatelic series "Seaman". It consists of 40 postcards and maxicards (postcard with an art stamp and special cancellation), with images of 40 prominent sailors and explorers of the Far East. The series includes both famous personalities of the past and our contemporaries.
Almost all personalities are presented at philatelic products for the first time. Each postcard, maxicard and art stamp (vignette) are limited edition and rare for collectors of the maritime products.
Among the prominent sailors in the philatelic series "Seaman" there are admirals S.O. Makarov, G.I. Nevelsky, P.I. Rikord, E.V. Putyatin, M.F. Reinecke, A.A. Popov, A.I. Petrov, V.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, V.M. Lavrov, I.I. Butakov, P.N. Nazimov and many others, as well as the first woman as the sea captain A.I. Shchetinina, ocean rower E.P. Smurgis, yachtsmen F.F.Konyukhov and N.A. Litau, oceanologist A.M. Sagalevich, researcher of the Arctic and Antarctic A.N. Chilingarov.
Over the centuries, the postal service has been evolving and conducting experiments to deliver correspondence by various means. Delivery include such means as pigeons, balloon, rocket, pneumatic tools, parachute, cans and sea buoys, dog and reindeer sleds, skis and snowmobiles, subway, military post, airships, balloons and many others.
There is a telegraph, as well as the radio, which was invented 125 years ago by the Russian physicist and electrical engineer A.S. Popov. Later, the Internet has suddenly appeared our lives, with the help of which we send e-mail every day, delivering our correspondence to another part of the world in a matter of seconds!
The world is changing, but the postal service continues to experiment with the delivery of correspondence by unmanned aerial vehicles, but the postal envelope, postcard and stamp keep carrying the warmth of human hearts for us.
During the expedition across the Primorsky Kray, a unique postal experiment will take place in the form of a historical reconstruction, using more than 40 different postal services (from the centuries-old tradition of bottle post, pigeon post, ship post to the current e-mail). It is based on the principle of a relay race in the form of “land, underground, water, under water, air, space” and with subsequent registration in the “Guinness Book of World Records”. Some postal deliveries will be presented for the first time. It is noteworthy that several envelopes, postcards and stamps in the "Seaman" series will be delivered aboard the orbital International Space Station and thus will pass through the "Space Mail", and during the sea stage of the expedition, the expedition members will hold a linkup (radio communication session) from the board of the seagoing vessel to Vladivostok with ISS astronauts.
Special cancellation of postcards and art stamps will take place during the land and sea part of the Pacific historical and geographical postal film and radio expedition "Maritime Heritage of the Primorsky Kray" from September 12 to October 9, 2020, which will be dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the Kingdom of North Barchant, the 200th anniversary of the postage envelope, the 180th anniversary of the postage stamp, the 125th anniversary of the invention of radio by A.S. Popov and the 160th anniversary of Vladivostok.
Based on the results of the expedition "Maritime Heritage of the Primorsky Kray", an hour-long documentary "The Adventures of the Postmaster, Envelope and Stamp" will be shot. Also there will be the first developed local history tourist and philatelic routes (walking, bus, sea) in Vladivostok. They will be intended for schoolchildren, residents and guests of Primorye.
At the end of the expedition "Maritime Heritage of the Primorsky Kray", the Sea and Bottle Post Office Department and the International Maritime Club "Moreplavatel" plan to organize and hold a philatelic exhibition in one of the libraries of Vladivostok, as well as to publish an eponymously-named book.
The author and leader of the expedition and the release of the postal series "Seaman" is the Minister of Sea and Bottle Post Office Department, Minister of the Post Office of the Kingdom of Northern Barchant, President of the International Maritime Club "Moreplavatel" Valery Sushkov. Designer is Natalia Pligina.
After the issue the philatelic set in the "Seaman" series will be donated and sent to maritime and postal museums around the world, completing the philatelic museum funds.
You can view the whole series in the portal gallery
You can purchase the philatelic set by pre-ordering postcards or maxicards in the "Seaman" series on request:
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