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Igor Akulov awarded Platinum Cross with Rubies

Igor Akulov awarded Platinum Cross with Rubies

On this special day, we would like to express our sincere joy and pride for Mr. Igor Akulov, who was awarded the highest award of the Kingdom of North Barchant – the Platinum Cross with Rubies. This distinction is a symbol of the deepest respect and gratitude to our dear friend. The awarding took place today – on his 46th birthday, and we congratulate him on it!

We sincerely believe that Mr. Igor Akulov is worthy of this high honor, because he has always shown himself to be a loyal friend and ally of our state. We congratulate him with all our hearts on this significant event and wish him further success and well-being. May each new day bring him joy and inspiration for new achievements. Happy birthday, dear Igor Akulov!